

Never Miss a Sunny Day Again

Target Audience

The target audience for My Sunny Daze is from the age range 18 to 50. It is geared to fit a younger generation and most likely accessed on a moblie phone.

The people using this website will be from all walks of life and money will not be a determining factor in using the site. Also, people who access this site will probably care about outdoor life and activities as it is based on what to wear when you are outdoors.

The site will get the most access in the morning or late at night as that is when the weather gets checked most often.

Persona 1

John lives in Denver, Colorado and loves the outdoors. He is 37 years old. He works a normal 9-5 Monday-Friday job as an accountant but after work loves to hike, golf, kayak, and ski. Also, he has 3 young boys who love to play basketball outside with him.

John is always checking the weather to see what outdoor activities he can do with the current conditions. He usually checks this website when he first gets up in the morning but he sometimes looks at night right before bed to plan his week out with his outdoor activities. He loves My Sunny Daze because it will give him which days of the week will be best to plan his activites and also what it will feel like outside and not just the temperature in degrees.

His moblie device is an iPhone 11 and most of his searches are done using this device. He rarely will look at the website at work on his desktop. He usually spends 10 minutes looking at the website each time he visits.

He likes that the website is very reliable with its forcasts and he trusts that he can count on what it says. He also loves the feature that you can send your friends the weather for the good days. He uses this feature when he goes hiking with his buddies from work.

Persona 2

Susan is 21 years old and goes to school full time in Las Vegas, Nv at UNLV. She is a Junior in college and working towards a business management degree. She lives in Las Vegas because she loves seeing the sun and loves being warm, but the one thing about living here is the terrible wind.

She looks at My Sunny Daze to know what the wind conditions of the day or week will bring. She also looks at the "feels like" part of the website to know if the wind will make it way colder. She loves this site as it can help her decide to leave early for school that morning to try and get a better parking spot so she will not have to walk sure far in the wind.

Susan's boyfriend Joey introduced her to this website because he knew she would love the feature of what to wear each day. He started sending her the weather conditions from his moblie phone before they would go on a date so she could know if she should bring a jacket or not. Now she is a current user each morning from her moblie device.

Her moblie device is an Andriod but her boyfriend has an Iphone X and most of their searches are done using these devices. They usually spend 15 minutes looking at the website each time they visit.

Scenario 1

Does the website tell the "feels like" conditions as 30 degrees can feel like 20 or 40 depending on the day?

Yes! The "feels like" conditions are actually at the top of the day and then the actual is underneath it. This is because the feels like is most important to our users and we want it to be completely visable to the user.

Scenario 2

Can I send the current weather to a friend and how many different ways can I send it?

Our website goal to make weather social as well. Our site will let you send the current weather conditions as well as the 7 day forcast to anyone you want. You will be able to send it via text message and email.

Scenario 3

How often do you update your weather conditions?

As we know the weather is a constantly changing variable so we update our weather every minute. This makes our system on of the most accurate so you can know your weather needs all the time.

Scenario 4

How does the app predict if I should bring a jacket or not?

Our system determines the "feels like" temperature with the wind speed and looks at the drops in temperature to determine what clothing would be normal for a person to wear. This is only a suggestion as everyone deals with temperatures differently and you would want to know what works for you.

Scenario 5

Is My Sunny Daze individually owned and operated?

No. The Weather Channel is our owner and we are a small branch of their companuy.